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The Starlight Blog plugin can be configured inside the astro.config.mjs configuration file of your project:

import starlight from '@astrojs/starlight'
import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config'
import starlightBlog from 'starlight-blog'
export default defineConfig({
integrations: [
plugins: [
// Configuration options go here.
title: 'My Docs',

Plugin configuration

The Starlight Blog plugin accepts the following configuration options:


Type: string
Default: 'Blog'

The title of the blog.


Type: number
Default: 5

The number of blog posts to display per page in the blog post list.


Type: number
Default: 10

The number of recent blog posts to display in the blog sidebar.


Type: StarlightBlogAuthorsConfig

A list of global authors for all blog posts or regular authors that can be referenced in individual blog posts. Check the “Authors” guide section for more informations.


Type: 'chronological' | 'reverse-chronological'
Default: 'reverse-chronological'

The order of the previous and next links in the blog.

By default, next links will point to the next blog post towards the past ('reverse-chronological'). Setting this option to 'chronological' will make next links point to the next blog post towards the future.


Type: string
Default: 'blog'

The base prefix for all blog routes.

By default, the blog will be available at /blog and blog posts at /blog/example-post. Setting this option to 'news' will make the blog available at /news and blog posts at /news/example-post.

Author configuration

Global authors for all blog posts or regular authors that can be referenced in individual blog posts can be defined using the authors configuration option. When a blog post frontmatter does not define an author, the global authors from the configuration will be used instead. Check the “Authors” guide for more informations.

authors: {
alice: {
// Author configuration for the `alice` author goes here.
bob: {
// Author configuration for the `bob` author goes here.

An author can be configured using the following options:

name (required)

Type: string

The name of the author.


Type: string

A title to display below the author’s name.


Type: string

A URL to link the author’s name to.


Type: string

A URL or path to an image in the public/ directory to display as the author’s picture.